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Reading for Pleasure

When your child has chosen a book to bring home to read (with help from staff to make sure it is right for them), we hope that they will enjoy reading the book and sharing it with you.
We want our children to see reading as a way to experience other worlds and the lives of different people, using their imagination to experience new thoughts and feelings whilst enjoying the story.

It would be great if you could encourage your child to read their book and have a chat with them about it.

These are some useful ideas that might be helpful for all of us when hearing children read-

  • Share the reading of the book with your child. You could read alternate pages or paragraphs so that they can hear new words and more quickly engage with the story.
  • Choose a page to read together at the same time. You could read it first and then both follow the words whilst reading together.
  • You could ‘echo read’ – with you reading some first and then them reading the same part it back to you.
  • If they have a favourite part of the story – often a funny thing that happens or speech in the story, read it again for fun.
  • Encourage them to read by themselves too – and to brothers and sisters or even to the dog or cat!

Have a look at this video clip for more tips
Happy reading!