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British Values, Equality Policy and Prevent

Statement of British Values

At Morda CE Primary School we will promote the values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs. We will teach and encourage pupils to respect themselves and one another and to respect and tolerate individuals' differences, especially those of a different ethnic background, faith or no faith. It is indeed our most fundamental responsibility to keep out students safe and prepare them for life in modern multi-cultural Britain and globally.

Equality Statement
  1. In accordance with Morda CE Primary School's Christian values we pledge:
    • to respect the equal human rights of all our pupils;
    • to educate them about equality; and
    • to respect the equal rights of our staff and other members of the school community.
  2. We will assess our current school practices and implement all necessary resulting actions in relation to:
    • ethnicity
    • religion or belief
    • socio-economic background
    • gender identity
    • disability
    • sexual orientation
    • age
 3. We will promote community cohesion at school, local, national and global levels, comparing our school community to its local and national context and implementing all necessary actions in relation to:
  •   ethnicity
  •   religion or belief
  •   socio-economic background​
Preventing Radicalisation and Extremism

Morda CE Primary School is committed to national effort to prevent radicalisation and extremism and the significant harms resulting there from.
Governors and Senior Leaders are fully engaged with “Prevent” ensuring that staff are appropriately trained and the risk of extremism is regularly assessed.

Our current risk assessment can be viewed below.